March 26, 2025 | SCOTUS Rules Against EPA in Clean Water Case
The U.S. Supreme Court recently issued one of its first Fifth Amendment decisions of the October 2013 Term. In Kansas v. Cheever, the justices unanimously ruled that prosecutors could introduce evidence of a court-ordered mental evaluation in a death...
The U.S. Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments in what could be one of the most significant environmental cases to come before the Roberts Court. EPA v. EME Homer City Generation involves a legal challenge to the controversial Cross-State Ai...
While the Roberts Court is widely viewed as pro-First Amendment, the justices showed little love for a military protestor in oral arguments held last week. The case, United States v. Apel, involves where to draw the line between military security and...
The country’s highest Court will again consider the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The two cases before the Supreme Court challenge the requirement that employers provide employee health insurance that covers contraceptives and...
In Hungary v. Simon, 604 U.S. ____ (2025), the U.S. Supreme Court held that alleging commingling of...
The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in four cases this week, all of which asked the justices to ...
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in FCC v. Consumers’ Research next month. The cas...
Congress of the United States begun and held at the City of New-York, on Wednesday the fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine.
THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.